Picture of Jared taken September 2007 during a birthday party.  Jared's wearing a blue hat.

Please choose from the links below to go to the specific portion of the web page. If you'd like, you may press escape to stop the background music.

about me
The Business
technology blog
Other Podcasts
Featured sites


Welcome. My name is Jared Rimer and welcome to my personal page. I hope you enjoy your stay and feel free to contact me using the E-mail link at the bottom of the page to contact me. For ease of use, I use headings to distinguish different sections of the web site. If you have questions, please let me know.

A little about me

Well, you want to know a little about me? I was born on December 24, 1980 in Tarzana, California. I live in Woodland Hills, California. Both places mentioned are in the San Fernando valley of Los Angeles County. I was born blind, with what I understand a detached retina. I can see peripherally out of my left eye. That's all I can really tell you about me.

Computer experience

I have been using a computer since about 1990 when I was in elementary school. I learned how to type when I was young. I don't remember the computer I started on, but I know it wasn't with speech as the software being used was a typing program. I don't know the name of that software, but I know that I had to be shown everything as it was visual. As I grew up, and went to a different school, I started my first computer with speech. It was an apple running a program called Word Talk from GW Micro, Inc. and the brailling component called Braille Talk.

Then, I moved to the IBM in about 1992 maybe 1993 with Vocal-Eyes from the same company GW Micro. I have a DecTalk PC, and I also have a sounding board, which I didn't really like. I probably still won't. I also have a DecTalk express which I currently use, as now I'm running under Windows XP and DOS really doesn't exist in XP or 2000.

When I was introduced to Windows, I didn't know about JAWS for Windows from Henter Joyce. They are now Freedom Scientific today. So I only played checkers in Windows and did most of my work in DOS.

GW Micro, Inc. came out with Window-Eyes in 1995. That's what I currently use. I did have JAWS when I was working on learning how to compose music with CakeWalk at a music school, but I don't really like it, and prefer Window-Eyes over JFW. Window-Eyes has released 6.1 of their software on April 11, 2007 and Freedom Scientific released JFW 9.0 around December 2007. I think it was back in 2003 or 2004 Freedom Scientific bought out Henter Joyce, and now the name sticks. Click on the links for the companies to learn more about them.

The business

Superior Software Inc. Logo

You want to know about Superior Software Level One about now right? Well, you can click on the link to go directly there. I can do simple web pages such as this one. All the pricing is available on the support page above. I used to do this for free, for several years, since about I think 1999, but starting 2002 I started charging. I also have an E-mail list to which you can subscribe. Its an announcement list only, which means I am the only one allowed to post to it. I send out virus information to my subscribers, and any articles that I feel of importance. You may subscribe to it by simply It is pre-addressed, so just send the message. Topica Inc. will send you a message asking you to confirm the subscription. Follow the instructions. Want to know more about other lists I manage? Click here to go to the E-mail lists page. You will be surprised what I run and help with. The business is still open, however, it is not my focus any more.

Things I'm involved in

This is MENVI's logo. It has MENVI in all caps.


Above is a logo that is tagged, "MENVI logo." In print, under a blue type of background in big capital letters says MENVI. MENVI is the music education network for the visually impaired. Click here to go to MENVI's home page. I run it when I have time, and things need to be added. I enjoy it, and in time it will benefit the members. It includes an articles page, a newsletter page which includes all the newsletters up to the present, and a subscriptions page to which I run lists under Topica for the benefit of the members. The discussion list is on our MENVI domain, while the announcement list is still at Topica. SSI is not responsible for those lists in any way. You can only join the discussion list if you are a registered member however, so keep that in mind when getting rejected.

The Technology blog and Podcast

The Technology blog and podcast web site now hosts all the technology. I think its better that way. Enjoy the podcast and leave your comments.

other blogs and podcasts

I have other blogs and podcasts to which I manage. They are all going to be listed here for your convenience over at the Podcast page. I can definately blog over at the personal podcast, but I choose to have that as an audio blog and podcast instead of a written one. Some of the material may be for adults only, so keep that in mind. I hope you will enjoy them. As of December 13, 2006 or a few days ago, the podcast page has been updated with my live journal and some time before that, I added a new program which has been around before. Go to the podcast page to read more.

The blind and visually impaired Web Ring

[Blind & VI Web Ring]
This site in The Blind and Visually Impaired Ring is owned by Jared Rimer.



List Sites

featured sites

These are a list of featured sites in no particular order people will probably want to check out. This will be in a list format for your convenience.

  1. WildCat Parents Featured site for parents. Gifted and Special Ed information can be found here. We have many parents from the Woodland Hills area that are contributing to help other parents benefit, for example, how to navigate through LAUSD, parenting a child with special needs, etc.

If you'd like to be featured here, please contact me and I'll see what I can do.


Please choose from the following links to continue on this site. Some of these links are external and will take you away from the asmodean.net domain. Jared Rimer, Superior Software Inc., WBBY Internet Radio, MENVI, All inPlay, and host monster are not responsible for errors, omissions, etc. when leaving the domain.

Links Around the Site
E-mail lists you can join GW Micro, Inc. Freedom Scientific
Music Education Network for the Visually Impaired Superior Software Inc. level one All inPlay, games with vision
Stream Guys Streaming solutions Station playlist creator Codeamber.org
contact me

If you would like to see a site here, please contact me by clicking on this contact form and I'll see what I can do. Please no sites with illegal activity etc. or I won't post it.

No portions of this Web Page may be reproduced. Web pages within this network may have links outside the Jared Rimer network, and Jared Rimer is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies when leaving the Jared Rimer network. Also, some pages in the Jared Rimer network may have content that is suitable for adults only. Those specific web sites will have disclaimers where appropriate.

No portion of this page may be copied without E-mail permission of Jared Rimer. Music for entertainment purposes only. All logos are the property of Jared Rimer, the Music Education Network for the Visually Impaired, or Superior Software Inc. All external links are copyright their respective owners and Jared Rimer and Superior Software Inc. are not responsible for errors, omissions, or the page no longer being available. The Internet may have problems. If you feel that the link no longer exists, please use the contact link and let me know.